Does your dog or cat ever scoot her rear end along the ground? Although many people believe this is a sure sign of parasites, your pet’s anal glands are far more often the cause of this behavior. Most people have seen a dog drag their hind end on the ground, but many people don’t know that cats can experience anal glad problems too. This issue is quite common and, unfortunately, uncomfortable. Anal glands are the two small sac-like structures, located on the left and right, just inside of your pet’s anus. They contain a dark, foul-smelling substance, some of which should be expressed naturally each time your pet has a bowel movement. But sometimes these sacs are not expressed naturally and can quickly become extremely uncomfortable for your pet. If not properly drained, the sacs can become obstructed, infected, and even rupture. If your dog or cat licks or chews her rear end excessively, scoots on the ground, or if you notice a foul, fishy odor coming from your pet, she may need to have her anal glands checked. Feel free to call us at the clinic at (406) 587-5537 if you have questions or to make an appointment.